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D&D Daily e-Newsletters

December 2021
December 1 -- Theft Wave Alert - Mall Active Shooter Prep - Amazon's 'Hidden Pandemic' - LP Trends - Fraud ↑ 350%

December 2 -- FBI Theft Action? - New ORC Task Force - Armed Guards & Plywood - Retail Vax Mandate - 1,000 New Stores

December 3 -- Store Security $$$ - ORC 'Terrorism' - CHI Theft Epicenter - Retail Whammy - Cyber Burglars


December 6 -- Retail 'Under Assault' - Tougher Theft Laws? - PD Shootings & Deaths - NYC Mandate - $1M ORC

December 7 -- LP Trends Webinar - Anti-Theft Stores - Businesses 'Blindsided' - Security Misconduct - DOJ Busts

December 8 -- Theft Mob Solution - Store Deputies - Retail's 'New Normal' - 'Great Resignation' - 
Tally Smart Shelf

December 9 -- Retailers Demand Action - Bragging Shoplifters - Mall Crime Surge - DG Theft Lawsuit - Amazon 'Deception'

December 10 -- Retail Pushes D.C. - SF Theft Crackdown - Security Deaths - LP to CEO - Auror Leadership


December 13 -- Security Predictions - Nationwide ORC Wave - NYC Tough on Crime - Tornado Impact - Retail Spying

December 14 -- Organized Crime Unit - Security or Shutdown? - Mob Theft Planning - Retail Trends - OSHA & Amazon

December 15 -- Retail Crime Data - Dangerous Fencing - 'Inhumane' Pharmacies - Empty Stores - LP Report

December 16 -- Anti-Theft Wire - ORC Task Force & Legislation - Burglaries ↑ 115% - Customers Exposed - VP Named

December 17 -- Dick's Anti-Theft Tech - Bullet-Proof Stores - Associate Abuse - COVID Deja Vu - Retail Ransomware


December 21 -- LP Epidemic Panel - Theft Grants - Record Wave Coming - Inhumane Amazon - LP Experts Advice

December 22 -- DHS & DOJ ORC Response - Workplaces Safer? - IT Kickbacks - Crime Spikes - 4 Sr LP Jobs

November 2021
November 1 -- Solink Shrink Study - ISIS Mall Threat - Shoot & Loot Epi - Crime Closures - WH Watchdogs

November 2 -- ORC DC Testimony - Mass/Weekend Shootings ↑ - Crime & PD Elections - Cop Exodus?

November 3 -- Axis Exec Award - ORC Testimony - Defund Loses Big - U.S. Sickout? - Deleting 1B FRTs

November 4 -- Auror Spotlight - Retail vs. ORC - NRF & Vax Mandate - $13M Burglary Boss - Public Enemy #1

November 5 -- Supply Chain Criminals - Crime 'Ambassadors' - Retail Vax Response - McD's Protests - ADT & DoorDash


November 15 -- Most Sr Jobs - Cities Frontlines - Fixing Reforms - Privacy Violation - Benchmarking - Declaring War

November 16 -- Interface 'Transforms' - Crime & Closure Wave - AI vs. Theft - Red Flag Laws - Target Cybersecurity

November 17 -- LP Trends - Criminal 'Revolving Door' - Store Cops ↑ - Mandate War - Ignoring Safety?

November 18 -- $68B Theft - Shootings ↑ 30% - 'Fed Up' Retailers - Mandate Standoff - Cyber Threat Alert

November 19 -- Bracing for Riots? - CLEAR Draws 500 - 60% Vaxing - Progressives New Push - $4M AT&T Fraud


November 22 -- Looting & Unrest - Retail Violence & Abuse - Homeland Security & ORC - Macy's Copycat? - Fakes ↑ 178%

November 23 -- Theft & Looting Explosion - Calif. Doubles Down - COVID Spying - Holiday Threat Alert - Macy's Parade


November 29 -- 'Overwhelming' ORC - Black Friday Violence - Retail Winners & Losers - Safety & Biometrics - 
Store Traffic #'s

November 30 -- Store Security Surge - Retailers @ White House - $12M+ Walmart Lawsuits - ORC Trackers - 10 Sr LPs

October 2021
October 1 -- Gun Store Security - Police Killings & Reform - Retail Suicide ↑ - Holiday Collapse?


October 4 -- Grocery Security - Pandemic Store Violence - Vax Protests - Retail's Nightmare - ORC 'Man of Steal'

October 5 -- Store 'State of Emergency' - Grocery COVID Hoax - At-Risk Retailers - Global Bust

October 6 -- Auror Crime-Fighting - Retail Violence Rankings - COVID Mall Security - Banning Closures

October 7 -- Deaths ↑ 19% - NYC Robbery Spike - Retail Vacancies - Walmart Lawsuit - VP Named


October 12 -- 'Shoplifting Tsunami' - ORC Crackdown - Safest Cities - Retail 'Containergeddon'

October 13 -- ORC Closures - Shoplifting Surge - 'Hot Spot Policing' - Retail Quitters

October 14 -- LP Trends - ORC & Progressive DAs - Parking Lot Crime - Retail 'Sweatshops'

October 15 -- Amazon & INFORM Act - Shoplifting ↑ 8% - Retail Burnout - 'Sopranos' ORC - Target Success Story


October 18 -- Shoplifting Data - PD & Security Deaths - Vax Protests - COVID Cargo Clog - 'Great Resignation'

October 19 -- Active Shooter Training - Walgreens Theft Backlash - Crime, Closures & Cops - Anti-Vax Officers

October 20 -- Big City Murders - Retail Theft Crisis - Scared Customers – #1 Job Loss Sector - LP & Cyber

October 21 -- Walgreens Hot Seat - 'Paradise to Purgatory' - Shootings ↑ 129% - Cops vs. Mandate - 2021 Retail Rankings

October 22 -- ORC Threats - Fueling Shoplifters? - $25M Security Lawsuit - Marine LP


October 25 -- SF & Chi ORC - Crime Hot Spots - Wal. & Zebra - 10k+ Assaults - Microsoft ID's Auror

October 26 -- Recall Progressive DA - ORC Reality - Crime Surge - Delaying Mandate - NRF SOS

October 27 -- 14Yrs LP Reports To? - Burglaries ↑ 340% - Murders ↑ Largest Ever - Paying Shooters -Summer 2022

October 28 -- Inflation & Crime - Chief's Warning - Mass Resign. - Safety #1 - Protests & Strikes -$31M ORC

October 29 -- Axis & Ethics - Open Season - Bail-COVID-Inflat - Mass Exodus - Corp. Crime


September 2021
September 1 -- ORC Call to Action - Self-Scan Survey - Backlog-Bail-Fear - Travel Warning - CISA & FBI Warning

September 2 -- #1 LP Article in WSJ - Sec. Violence Study - Protests Planned - Fines-Fear-Labor - WC Crime - 7 Sr Jobs


September 7 -- Retail Security - Labor Day Violence - COVID Closures - 400+ Attacks

September 8 -- "Justice for J6" - Anti-Gun Pay - Maskless Protesters - China Surv. Ban - REvil's Back -
Canada Gun Vio.

September 9 -- Store Closure Task Force - Anti-Vax Retail Violence - 'Cyber Grave Robbers' - Amazon Bribes

September 10 -- 9/11 Elevated Threat - Retail WH Response - Ult. Call to Action - Ticking Time Bomb - Supply Chain Attack


September 13 -- Kroger vs. ORC - 'Most Violent Year' - Supply Chain Cartels - Vax Security - VPAP Job

September 14 -- ORC Task Force - Cop Gangs - D.C. Security Fortress - $2M Fencing Bust - NRF Award

September 15 -- Interface Managed SASE - ORC War - DC & Seattle - Dire COVID Levels - Store Closures - Fraud ↑

September 16 -- WSJ ORC Podcast - 'Asinine' Defunding - Grocery Impact - 20 LP Leaders - $31M Fraud

September 17 -- Burglaries ↑ 62% - Security Task Force - COVID Retail Impact - $200M Insider Threat - CFO's $30M Fraud


September 20 -- Kroger's ORC - Walmart Crime Fund - Homicide Epidemic - Assoc. Abuse - LA Robbery Wave

September 21 -- 'Most Violent Year' - Stores vs. ORC - Vax Security ↑ - Openings & Closures - Employee 'Ghosting'

September 22 -- Ring Cam Impact - 3 Strikes Theft - Pandemic Security - NRF & RILA Respond - Lockdown Violence

September 23 -- LPRC Taskforce - Anti-ORC Effort - Historic Murder Surge - Retail Vax Mandate

September 24 -- Mass Emp. Shooting - Shoplifting Surge - Offices=Violence? - Sr Jobs Spike - #1 Holiday Issue - 4 Sr Jobs


September 27 -- 2020 Crime - Gro. Under Fire - Kroger Warning Signs - Panic Buying - CEO's Prison? - China Risk ↑

September 28 -- Busiest Shopping Days - LA Cop Gangs - Retail's Xmas 'Nightmare' - $1.5M ORC Heist - APEX Recap

September 29 -- ORC Deputies - Shielding Criminals? - LP Report - Rethinking Retail - Building Security Teams

September 30 -- Most Violent Cities - Kroger Aftermath - Shoplifting Citations - Retail Awards - Cyber Pandemic


August 2021

August 9 -- Interface's New EVP - 7/11 Night Out - Delta's IMPACT - Nike Ex Prison - 6 Jobs - 13 ORC Cases

August 10 -- Shopping Center LP Tech - Police Reform & Theft - Shoplifter Killed - Malls Transformed

August 11 -- Theft & Crime Stats - Parking Lot Violence - Mass Looting Cleanup - Anxious Shoppers - VP AP Job

August 12 -- Security Deaths - 'Alarming Robbery Trend' - Tracking Criminals - No Vaxx, No Service - Retail Forecast

August 13 -- C-Store Crime - Gun Thefts - Violence Coalition - 'Vaccine Bouncers' - Drunk Shopping


August 16 -- Terrorism Warning - Big City Violence - Kroger Protests - Vaccine Security - Store Opening Threat

August 17 -- Retail Crisis Comms - Store Violence ↑ - Vax Mandates - Customer Facial Rec - Safety Salaries

August 18 -- NRF Retail Security Survey - Crime #1 Issue - Store Vax Violence - Amazon Takeover

August 19 -- Anti-Crime Proposals - Retail Hotspot - Businesses vs. Vax Mandates - ORC Spike

August 20 -- Work Viol. Portal - Tackling Crime - Hospitals Up 322% - Going Undercover - Amazon Shuts 50k


August 23 -- Shoplifting Syndicates - ORC Mobs - Security COVID Deaths - Women in LP - 2 VP's Named

August 24 -- Wal. & Zebra R-Time - Mass ORC ↑ 69% - Gun Violence #'s - Mandates - 2 Yrs Remote - Fraud ↑ 15%

August 25 -- Gun Epidemic - Detection??? - Vax List - Delta Fear ↑↑ - Hot Spot - Protect Workers

August 26 -- Target's Crime-Fighting - Reform & Theft - Vax Resignations - 4,700+ Closures

August 27 -- Crime Closures - Guns & Cartels - Retail Harassment & Discrimination - Global ORC Org


August 30 -- More Police - Gang Takedowns - Shutdown Formula - Amazon Security - Operation Ironside - 4 Jobs

August 31 -- Sensormatic vs. Theft - Stores Sue City - Security Murders - ORC Gang $0 Bail - FBI Alert

July 2021
July 1 -- Sec. Off. Viol. ↑500% - ATL&NYC War Zones - Pause Re-Openings? - Staffing Urgency - $585M Fraud - DOJ Attacking


July 6 -- 4th Violence - ORC Explosion - Protesters 'Stage 2' - R-t-W Changes - Russians Hit 1,500 - Oxy Bandits

July 7 -- Maxing LP Budgets - NY & CA Violence - Vaxed vs Unvaxed - Top Retailers - US Warns Russia - FL & Elsa

July 8 -- Crime Closures - ORC Partnership - COVID Transformation - $4.5B Settlement - VP Named

July 9 -- Gun Cases Triple - AI Policing - America's Top Concern - #1 Priority - 99% Deaths Unvaxed - Biden Calls Putin


July 12 -- Vio. Perfect Storm - Reform Driving Crime - Hopeful Signs - Women in Security - Ransomware Tracker - Walmart's Black SM's

July 13 -- Big City ORC - National Crime Strategy - $7.8M CEO Theft - 'Ransomware Pandemic' - Interface Partnership

July 14 -- Nationwide Theft - Retail Facial Rec. Ban? - Unvaxxed Shoppers - Rocking Chair ORC

July 15 -- Crime Data - 74% Violent-Reoffend - Retail Threats ↑ - 60% Fraud Struggling - Prosegur Partnership


July 19 -- Big City Violence - ORC Explosion - Retail Face Scans - Safety Leadership - $10M Ransom Reward

July 20 -- Robbery Spike - Mass Looting - COVID Closures - In-Store Facial Rec. - Amazon Bullying?

July 21 -- Drugs & Shoplifting - 300+ Murders - COVID Reset - Hiring Prisoners - VP AP Named

July 22 -- Theft Epidemic - New ORC Law - DOJ Strike Forces - eBay 'Terrorism' - Cannabis, Cartels & Guns

July 23 -- HD's Anti-Theft Tech - Retail Body Cams - ORC Task Forces - COVID Closures? - 'Smash & Grab' Bill


July 26 -- Bloody Weekend - Historic Violence - CA Gov & Retail Crime - Shoppers Lockdown - Lamb Named Advisor

July 27 -- Drugs & Guns - Emboldened Shoplifters - Mask Reversal - C-Stores vs. Human Trafficking

July 28 -- Security Gets Prison - ORC Marketplaces - CA ORC Bill - Paramilitary Mall Security - VP AP Job

July 29 -- Police Shortage Epidemic - OSHA & Workplace Deaths - Tracking Customers? - Grocery Disruption

July 30 -- HD's ORC Tech - Gun Tech Protests - Reform & Crime - Delta's Retail Impact - Mask Wars

June 2021
June 1 -- LP to CEO - Gun Health Crisis - Deadliest '21 - Refunding PD - Mass Shootings - Amazon Nooses - 5 Sr Jobs

June 2 -- Retail Theft Survey - Police Reform - PD Protest & Under Fire - Vaccine Passports - Benchmarking Safety - $5M ORC

June 3 -- "Massive Crisis" - TX's Hard Stand - Vacc. Workforce? - Putin's Gangs - Armed & Ready - $3.5M ORC


June 7 -- Pandemic Fraud - Summer Warning - Surveillance Atlas - Ransomware & 9/11 - Historical Bust of 22 - VPIT Kickbacks

June 8 -- 800+ OC Busts - America's Violence - Re-Funding - Sec. CEO Gets Prison - Vaccine-Mask-Conflict - Ransom Recovery

June 9 -- Mass Shootings - DOJ Op-Retail Impact - NYC & Balt. - Store Violence Spike - Canada's Violence

June 10 -- 99 Anti-Riot Bills - Defunding's Deadly - What Worked & Didn't - Amazon Bomber Arrest - Retail Slow-Pay

June 11 -- 'COVID Crime Wave' - Security Imposters - Shoppers Protect Stores - Mass Exodus - New Ransomware Gang


June 14 -- 270 Mass Shootings - NYC Theft Spike - Retail Quitters - Shipping Crisis - CEO Grilling

June 15 -- Crime Epidemic - Mask Killing - Retail Espionage - Amazon Investigation - 'Act of War'

June 16 -- Progressive DA's & Crime - Security Shootout - Mask Violence - 'Just Walk Out' Goes Big - LP Squirrel

June 17 -- Crime Trends - Retailers Locking Up - Interrogation Deception - Officer Murders - Derailed Reopening?

June 18 -- ORC Explosion - Bail Reform & Violence - Retail 'Wake-Up Call' - New Black Market - VP Named


June 21 -- Security Deaths - Scared Shoppers - ORC Magnets - Guard Harassment - ADT Commercial Focus 

June 22 -- 'State of Safety' - Anti-Crime Strategy - Outsourcing Security? - COVID 'Fine Frenzy' - Retail Patriotism 

June 23 -- Crime Strike Force - COVID Store Hoax - LP Razor Wire - 2021 Closures - NRF Highlights

June 24 -- Retail Theft Partnership - Mall Shooter Training - Security's Fine Line - LAPD & Amazon Ring

June 25 -- 15 Violent Cities - 'Murder Wave' - HI Shoplifting - Retail 'Cancer' Bills - ADT Commercial Solutions


June 28 -- Crime Wave - Block Defunding - #1 @Risk to Die - $1B Retail Case - New 'Most Wanted' - Organizing Amazon

June 29 -- Viol. Crime Pandemic - Cartels Impact - RTW Mass Exodus? - Great Debate - Out of Control -Amazon's Suckers

June 30 -- DHS Federal Alert - Crime Waves - Far From Over - Risky 4th - Comm's Tool - Bad Practices List

May 2021
May 3 -- Officer Deaths ↑ 20% - 87k in NYC - Organized Crime Report - 3 AP Teams Shuffled - VP Kickbacks - $12M ORC

May 4 -- New Database & Tools - Citations & Rankings - 50% Suffering - Enhance Retail LP - Robberies=Petty Theft? - Amazon & Liability

May 5 -- Pandemic Interrogation - Violence Surging - Wasted Shots - Retail's Perfect Storm - Privacy & Security Act

May 6 -- Profiling Protests - LP Reports To? - Axis's Bartol & Video - Prime/Under Armour/VF - Zoom's New Team

May 7 -- Gun Viol. Surge - COVID in Courts - Axis on Trends - CFO $30M Fraud - NYC Sues Retailer - Testing Fraud


May 10 -- America's Bloody Weekend - Guard Killed - New LP Device? - ORC Bill - Dollar General Walkout - 10B Fakes

May 11 -- Nationwide Violence - LP Arrests - Stores Abandon 'War Zone' - Retail Theft Survey - Security Shortage?

May 12 -- Consumer Sentiment - MTI Global Growth - NYC 'Broken Windows' - LP Reports To - $15M+ Bag Checks - 43% Ransom Claims - Fake Reviews

May 13 -- Mass Shootings Link - Work Viol. Tool - Vigo. Pursue Retailers - Retail's Plague - Stressed Workforce - Vector Awards 307 Execs

May 14 -- Gun Violence - ORC Epicenter - 'Out of Control' - COVID's End - CONTROLTEK Recognized


May 17 -- C-Store Violence - Retail 'Vaccine Police' - Mass Shooting Insurance - Amazon Safety Scheme - VP AP Named

May 18 -- Global ORC Surge - Guard Kills Shoplifter - Retail Mask Wars - Reopening Trauma - Apple-China Surveillance

May 19 -- Crime-Fighting Tool - Progressive DA Wins - Mask Confusion - 68% Unsafe - McD's Walkout - Macy's Comeback

May 20 -- Facial Rec Surveillance - Community Security Teams - Mass Shooting Bill - Safest U.S. Companies - Amazon Lawsuits

May 21 -- ORC Closures & Busts - Retail Body Cams - Store Vax Enforcers - Amazon Nooses - $10B McD's Lawsuit


May 24 -- 300 Officer Deaths - Retail Violence Trends - Security Game-Changer? - LP Questions - FBI Alert - VP LP Job

May 25 -- San Fran's ORC Explosion - Re-Fund the Police? - From Mall to Vax - Foot Traffic ↑ - AVP LP Named

May 26 -- NRF Survey - Lockdowns & Shoplifting - $1.3M Robbery Spree - Ending Cop Stops? - Fake Security Alerts

May 27 -- Memorial Day Violence - DA Crime Backlash - ORC & Trafficking - Multi-State Heist - Mandatory Security


April 2021
April 1
 -- Cup Foods Video - COVID $$ $24B - $1T Cybercrime - Fraud Up 69% - Mental Health Impact - ACH Fraud & VEC


April 6 -- Largest Case Ever - NAACP Protesting Regardless - Gen Z's MN C-t-A - 4th Wave - Cartels Retail Store - Huge ORC Cases

April 7 -- Albertsons Corp. AP - PPS TotalLP - NYPD Goon Squad - Mass Shootings Cause& #'s - Security Espionage - Online Regs

April 8 -- CVS AP Team - Surveillance Backlash - 'Gasoline Bombs' - Retail Impact Report - Ransomware Cartel

April 9 -- Kroger Investigation? - Amazon Busts Union - BLM & Homicides - Defaults & Bankruptcies - Dir Job


April 12 -- Progressive DA's Impact - LP Urged to Rethink PD Calls - Cartels & Retail - LinkedIn Scraped - Best 100
April 13 -- Murders Up 33% - Looting & Violence - COVID Surveillance - At-Risk Retailers - Protos Rebrand

April 14 -- Solink-Noonlight Partnership – Capital Security – Facial Rec – ORC Case

April 15 -- MN Boarding Up - No End In Sight - 18-24 Mental Health - CFO Steals $30M - Biggest News of '21

April 16 -- ADT Tech Award - U.S. Policing on Trial - COVID Wave - Organized Hackers - Zuckerberg $23M Security


April 19 -- Protests/Riots - Show of Force - 6/Weeks Mass Killings - Critical COVID Time - Interface & Thrive

April 20 -- Vector Security's TruIT - PD's Across U.S. - Store Safety Rankings - Vaccines - Public Health Threat

April 21 -- Nationwide Relief - DOJ Policing Probe - Counterfeit Vaccines - OSHA COVID Fines - Home Depot Boycott

April 22 -- LP's Future - Security Fortress Dismantled - Retail Lockdown Bill - 500K+ Openings - DOJ Task Force

April 23 -- Retail Theft Response - MN Boarded Up - Looting Caravan - Family $5M ORC - 456 Grocery Deaths - Just Walk Out Milestone


April 26 -- New Victims Fund - Jets & Protesters - NYPD Reopening Unit - Mask Guidance - $20B Fraud

April 27 -- Anti-Loitering Sys. - OR Crackdown - NYC's Bloodiest - CDC Guidance - Vaccine Required - INFORM Act

April 28 -- Target Steps Up - Shoplifter Detection - Counterfeit Vax Cards - Supply Chain Attacks - Women in Leadership

April 29 -- Gap AP Leadership - $25M Security Cost - NYC & LA Reopen - Amazon Redo? - Remote Threats

April 30 -- No Justice No Derby - Sign & Release - Second Chance - $31M Fraud - Selling to Iran - Nat'l Sec. Threat

March 2021
March 1
 -- Zero Tolerance - 24 Sr LPs - 4th Wave? - 244 Arrests - Dir Job

March 2 -- 007 Security - Gift Card LP - Domestic Terrorism - DG Theft Ring - Son Costs VP Job

March 3 -- March 4 Plot - 67 Security Deaths - Amazon Racism? - 15 No-Mask States - New VPAP

March 4 -- U Riot Ready? - Fed Policing Act - Cybercrimes Crown Jewels - New VPLP - 57% Want Incentives - Ban-the-Box Working

March 5 -- Protests Coming - OSHA Failure - Zoom Zombies - New Dir. Job - RLPSA Recap


March 8 -- Fourth Wave? - 'Elevated Violence' - Retail Hate Crimes - Cyber Leadership Failure - 3 Dir. Jobs

March 9 -- Sensormatic & Intel - George Floyd Sq. - 100% Retailers Abused - Gold Rush 2020 - Ulta Theft Ring

March 10 -- 130 CA Security COVID Deaths - ORC Inform Act - CCTVs Hacked - Canada's Epstein Jail - Privacy Law

March 11 -- Violence Up 44% - COVID Milestone - Retail Stimulus - 2 New VPs - Auror's Growth

March 12 -- LAPD Criticized - LP Vendor Jailed - Restrictions Lifting - Info Sharing App. - Pres. Stole $7.8M


March 15 -- Riots Erupt - LP Vet Retires - 5,500+ Deaths - CDC & Dollar General - Shoplifter Shoots Officer

March 16 -- Cal-ORCA & Auror - West Coast Erupts - OSHA Coming - Mandatory Vaccine - Robbery/Misd. - Ban-the-Box

March 17 -- Police Reform - Hot Spots - Refusing Vaccines - OSHA Slammed - CA's Sex-Drugs&Crime - Alarm System Arrest?

March 18 -- Domestic Threat - Mia Beach Siege - 21 States Rising - LP's Reopening - Drama & Conflict - Epstein Impact

March 19 -- Hate Crimes - Kroger Hate Murders - Workplace Viol. Up - Lawsuits - $1M Jewelry Heist


March 22 -- Mia Gone Wild - Asian Protests - PD Failure - PD/Prisons/Courts Impact - 41% Turnover - America's Fear

March 23 -- Supermarket Massacre - Dark Web Vaccines - 3K New Stores? - Spying on Employees - $4M ORC

March 24 -- Stores Tighten Security - Mandatory Vax Lawsuit - Multi-State ORC Ring - Canada Closures - Revenge Hack

March 25 -- Deadliest Year - Top Risk - Progressive DAs - Inform Act & Buy Safe - Microsoft Bullseye - Cams & Collars

March 26 -- HD Shootouts/Deaths - No Bail/Prog. DAs - 474 Arrests/$569M - Stores in Crosshairs - 2 Sr Jobs - COVID Hate


March 29 -- Grocery's 'Year From Hell' - Retail America Shines - Cargo Theft Surges - New Hot Spot - Dir AP Named

March 30 -- Retail Violence Up 40% - 26 Guards Killed - 'Impending Doom' - $20M Loss - 'Winning the LP War'

March 31 -- Home Depot vs. ORC - LAPD Misconduct? - Remote Harassment - International Theft Gang - 33 Sr LPs 

February 2021
February 1
 -- Super Bowl Triple Threat - LP Bodycams - Protest Crackdown - Retail Innovation & History

February 2 -- LP+IT - Vaccines 2 Retailers - 134 Grocery Deaths - $61M Wage Theft - Decriminalization

February 3 -- Vaccine Success - Lifting Restrictions - Hero Pay Closes Stores - Retailers Steal Millions - Shoplifting Declines - Retail's Epstein On-Video

February 4 -- ADT's Leadership - Zebra & Super Bowl - Funding PD De-Funding - McKinsey's $573M Fine - China's Anal Swabs - 16M Super Hangovers

February 5 -- Women in Leadership - NFL CSO-Cathy Lanier - Riots-Defund-PTSD - Pro Union & Pro Act - COVID Strike & Mask Police - Scraping Photos 'Illegal'


February 8 -- Post-COVID LP - Murders & Violence Up - Minn. Unrest 3/8? - Vaccination Effort - Fraud Trends 2021 - RDP Attacks Up 768%

February 9 -- Security Deaths - Don't Ease Up - NYC Waking Up - Predictive Policing - Progressive DA Loses - BOPIS Crimewave

February 10 -- Holiday Season Panel - Minn. Boarding Up? - Surge Weakens - FR & AI in Canada - Clearview Illegal in CA

February 11 -- Top Race/PD Trials - COVID Retreat - Thresholds & Bail - Amazon Hires 26+ FBI - Workplace Misconduct - Workplace Romance

February 12 -- Pandemic Violence - Geofence Warrants - Retail Role - Offices Reopen? - Russia's Dark Web - 4 Sr Jobs


February 16 -- Riot Recovery - Storm Closures - COVID Court - Retailers Returning? - ADT & WG Partner

February 17 -- $61M LP Payout - 'Shoddy' Safety - $1.3B Bust - Frozen Stores - 33 Retail Bankruptcies

February 18 -- Worker Retaliation - LP Scholarships - Biden & Security - Joker's Stash - 40% Fear Vaccination

February 19 -- Retail's Mob Tax - AP Disruption - Ring Policing - Ghost Guns - US #1 Target


February 22 -- LP Mega Merger - Kroger Hack - DC Security Failures - Arsonists Caught - Prosegur's New HQ

February 23 -- VP LP Named - 240 DC Arrests - Riot Hearing - LP Think Tank - Retail's Corp. Office Plan

February 24 -- Macy's AP Growth - 90-Day HQ Protest - Covid Year 2 - Next Level Skimming - $107M Price Fixing

February 25 -- 'Defund' Update - 3K Go Stores? - Hero Pay - 2021 Sales - Pot for Shots - $75K Bird ORC

February 26 -- Schnucks Coupon Fraud - Walgreens & ALTO - Threats/Guns/Proud Boys - No Travel Till '22 - United $32M+ Fraud

January 2021

January 4
-- Record Violence - Safety Lawsuits - Drone ID - Ma Missing? - 26K Fraudulent Stores

January 5 -- Sec. Deaths Up 300% - Guard Deployed - Retail Outbreaks - $12M Vendor Fine - $1M Vendor Theft

January 6 -- DC Lockdown - Kenosha 'Emergency' - Business Continuity - Garda Safety - LPRC Report - LP App

January 7 -- Nation Responds - PD Unprepared - Q4 Normalcy - COVID Testing - Canada's Epstein - OUTLOOK

January 8 -- DC Security Failed - Retailers To The Rescue - LP/AP's Role - LE Appreciation Day - 2021 Meetings?


January 11 -- Million Militia March - Deadliest Year Ever - Worst This Week - Duty of Care - Progressive DAs - Security & Vaccine

January 12 -- FBI Warning - At All Capitals - Pharmacies Coming - Sensormatic IQ - Interface $60M - $25.3B Fraud

January 13 -- 20K Troops - Security Phased Out - Vaccine Pay - Amazon Scrub - RLPSA 'To Go'

January 14 -- Prosegur Retail CEO - Thousands in DC - Armed Protestors - Brutal Period - Racial Bias Roadmap - Mobs Bus. Practices

January 15 -- Insurrection in Progress - 'Capture & Assassinate' - Massive Security Op. - More Contagious & Severe - Nationwide Shutdown? - Unleash the Retailers


January 19 -- Fatal LP Search - DC Preps - Biden Plans - NRF Show Changes - VP LP Job

January 20 -- DC Security Detail - Retailers' Security - 2020's State of Chaos - COVID Flattening in CA - Agilence & Instacart

January 21 -- Deadliest Year - Inauguration Protests - NRF PROTECT Changes - COVID Action - siffron + MTI

January 22 -- Biden Workplace Safety - Retail Spying - $1M Employee Fraud - Riot Bill - Cargo Overboard!


January 25 -- Retail Vaccines - Quarry Death - $230K Vendor Fraud - Racial Profiling - 17% US Infected

January 26 -- Post-Covid LP - 433 Security Arrested - AP Jobs - $5B Fraud - Retail's 2021 Agenda

January 27 -- Terror Warning - Looting Response - Security Vaccines? - Cocaine Bananas - 11 Best Retailers

January 28 -- 93 Security Officer Homicides - Cases Declining - Safety Top of Mind - Biggest Sr Jobs - RH-ISAC 2020 - $27M RaaS

January 29 -- AP 2 CEO - Violence Spiking Globally - Retail Fatalities - 26 Sr LPs - Micro Risks - COVID Memoriam

Solution Providers

Sponsoring the Effort

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