LP/AP's Signature New Years Event Reinvented
The D&D Daily & the Loss Prevention News Network (LPNN) Present:
The D&D Daily 'Live in NYC' 2018
at the NRF Big Show
Lord & Taylor's Historic Flagship Store's Theater Hosted Live LPNN Shoot Monday
NRF LP Council Honored at Tuesday Night Reception & Party
Jan. 15-16, 2018

By popular demand, we expanded our annual "Live in NYC" at the NRF Big Show event from one day to two this year.
This year's LIVE LPNN shoot took place Monday, January 15, 2018 at Lord & Taylor's flagship store in the heart of NYC retail, where we live-streamed a brand new series of interviews with senior LP/AP leaders and solution providers on the latest industry hot topics, the ongoing issues and challenges, the programs, the latest technology, and the solutions these providers offer to the industry.
In recognition of the MLK holiday, we moved this year's dinner party to Tuesday, January 16, 2018. We're excited to announce that we honored the NRF LP Council this year, which brought a who's who list of industry leaders together for what has become LP/AP's New Years Kick Off Event!
We completely reinvented our annual dinner party from the traditional sit-down dinner format of years past to a new reception/party type of model that allowed for more mingling and interaction between our guests – all with the same great food everyone's accustomed to at Maloney & Porcelli restaurant. With bar stools and round bar tables made for visiting with colleagues, guests were free to mingle all night. We also had carving stations and heavy hors d'oeuvres.

Pizza Party Winners drawn live on Monday during the LPNN Live Broadcast; see the episode on April 4th!
D&D Daily Honors NRF LP Council Members at
Annual NYC Reception & Party
NYPD Deputy Commissioner John Miller Delivers Speech on Counter-Terrorism
LP/AP's New Year's Kickoff Event Draws Standing-Room Only Crowd
Following our successful "Live in NYC" broadcast Monday, Jan. 15th at Lord & Taylor's flagship store, featuring a jam-packed schedule of LP leaders and solution providers talking about the hot topics facing the industry, the D&D Daily hosted LP's annual new year's kickoff event at Maloney & Porcelli restaurant in midtown Manhattan on Tuesday night. This year's reinvented reception/party brought together a who's who crowd of senior retail LP/AP executives and some from the law enforcement community including John Miller, Deputy Commissioner of Intelligence & Counter-Terrorism for the NYPD, who delivered a speech to the LP community in attendance. A well-known news commentator, Mr. Miller is the only law enforcement executive to ever interview Osama bin Laden.

In his speech Tuesday night, he talked about his journey from award-winning broadcast journalist to deputy police commissioner working under William Bratton. He explained the psychology behind terrorism, the NYPD's success in preventing numerous attacks over the years, and how "precision policing" has helped New York City reduce its crime rate to 1950s era lows, making it one of the safest major cities in the world. Miller did, however, recognize the increased violence retailers face, driven by ORC gangs and the widespread increase in credit card fraud. And how public-private partnerships like METRORCA and others throughout the country are so vital when it comes to information sharing and crime fighting.

The night was capped off with honoring the NRF LP Council as this year's D&D Daily "Leadership Honoree". For well over 25 years, the NRF LP Council, comprised of over 40 senior Loss Prevention and Asset Protection executives, has been focused on elevating, developing, and inspiring this industry. And while the faces have changed from generation to generation, their mission and commitment has never faltered. If anything, it's gotten stronger - which is reflected in the growth and attendance of their signature event - The NRF Protect Conference.

Former VP's of LP for the NRF, Joe LaRocca and Rich Mellor, along with current VP of LP Bob Moraca, were recognized with plaques commemorating their achievement in defining true leadership for the LP industry, inspiring the industry, and helping develop a community. Current NRF LP Council Chair Dan Faketty also accepted a commemorative plaque on behalf of the entire council itself. Each individual said a few words afterward, expressing their gratitude to the mentors and leaders who've helped make the industry what it is today, as well as the immense role the NRF LP Council has played in not only their careers but for the industry at large.