The D&D Daily's Top 10 Women in LP Series
A formal presentation for the entire group of Top 10 will be held at LP's New Years Kick Off - the Daily's annual 'Live in NYC' at the NRF Big Show, Tuesday Jan. 14, 2020.
Immediately following the 'Top 10 Women in Retail Loss Prevention/Security' series conclusion on Dec. 1st, the Daily is pleased to announce the next series designed to recognize outstanding performance, achievements, and future potential of the 'Top 20 Women Under 40 in Retail Loss Prevention/Security', with nominations from Today's leaders recognizing Tomorrow's.
Following the same process and criteria as the NRF Awards committee. Stay tuned as we continue to focus on the community by supporting inclusivity and equality.
NRF Supports & Partners with The Daily's Top 10 Women in Retail LP Series
Bob Moraca, VP of LP, NRF, offers his comments:
"Women in the Asset Protection community have always driven the industry to be the best we can be! NRF's 'Women in LP' is the pinnacle of LP professionalism, creating an inclusive place for networking, mentoring and sharing the special challenges of working in a male dominated part of the retail business. Women are part of a generational cultural change and are fulfilling LP leadership roles at every level over the recent past - in retail and in the LP solution provider ranks too; we support this series and look forward to helping to recognize these incredible leaders."

Update: Top 10 Women in LP Series
Joan Manson, VP of Employee Resources, Asset Protection and Legal, and NRF Women in LP Chair will be assisting with the program's development and direction to ensure creditability and validity. It's critical the series reflects the industry's true position on inclusion, diversity, and equality.
Upcoming Series Starts in July
Top 10 Women in Retail Loss Prevention
For a number of years now the NRF's Women in LP has done a great job of mentoring and providing guidance for the women in retail loss prevention. With a growing membership and a strong cross section of retailers represented, we at the Daily want to highlight and recognize these leaders who are paving the way for future generations.
Starting in July, we'll be publishing ten executive profiles, their comments, advice, and learn a little about the hurdles they faced on their way up to a top job in the industry. It's their journeys that everyone can learn from.
In an attempt to be all inclusive and truly reflect the leaders and influencers of retail Loss Prevention, we'll be including five retail seniors and five solution providers, as it takes a team to truly deliver the best results.
Stay tuned as we'll be making more announcements before NRF Protect. To learn more about the NRF "Women in LP" watch LPNN's Episode with Joan Mason, VP of LP, Benefits, Payroll & Legal for the Container Store and Chair of the NRF's Women in Loss Prevention Committee.